Union Auxiliary Guard Blog

The Experience of the African Grand Delegation Alkebu-Lanof the Croce Reale

Written by Dante Cejas - BKK Argentina | May 5, 2024 3:43:07 PM
     First of all, we must clarify that being in a republican country and not asking for a Monarchy for Argentina, our analysis does not try to convince anyone to implement the monarchical system on our soil. We have never done it in so many years and we don't do it now.
     From the most remote times with tribes and clan chieftaincies to the current Constitutional Monarchies, it is evident that the passage of time has not eliminated the monarchical system, on the contrary it remains in force more than ever in the current global order.

     Within the framework of unconventional diplomacy and the geopolitical analysis of monarchies, the vision of an Italian: Dr. Fabrizio Nucera Giampaolo, a German Dr. Peter Gummersbach and an Italian-Argentine Ezequiel Toti, joined forces to contribute the best of each People to help in turn another People, the African People, with an attitude of cooperation and demystifying the belief that the West sees this continent as a place to colonize. Is not always that way.

     The Great African Alekbu-lan Delegation of the International Croce Reale was born with the clear objective of strengthening, protecting and improving the position of the Dynasties and Clans that are a point of reference for the African people, this includes 53 countries with more than 7800 Clans. Royals and Dynasties, considered according to their respective Constitutions: Cultural and Traditional Leaders, with their rights maintained, especially that of Fons Honorum.

     Many of these Monarchies are Subnational Monarchies and operate under a Republic, so we can speak of authentic cultural and subnational diplomacy.

     Since the Grand Delegation acts as an umbrella structure equally for all these Monarchs, it thus establishes a non-competitive integration between them and real cooperation.
To unite people and avoid violent extremism, uniting and restoring local traditions, helping in authentic and selfless development, helping through its Princes to resolve disputes and preserve the environment and landscape identity without resorting to ideological mechanisms, it has been created this alternative that fills us with pride.

     To the President of the Croce Reale Int. H.E. Dr. Fabrizio Nucera Giampaolo, to the Coordinators and General Supervisors H.E. Peter Gummersbach and H.E. Ezequiel Toti, Thank you.
Thanks to its honorary presidents Their Majesties the King of Bunyoro Kitara Solomon Gafabusa I and the King of Ankore Idriisa Kawesa I, to the Executive President Grand Delegate H.R.H. Prince Tugume Salim Indris of Ankore, to the Secretaries of Their Excellencies Zikusoka Sharif Kishana, Jessica Kiraboo and Rugingiiza Ngabo. And a special thanks to a bridge builder par excellence H.E. Troy Thompson, Honorary President of the Croce Reale USA.

     Protecting its monarchical culture and native traditions, I allow myself to conclude with an original poem from the Kingdom of Bunyoro Kitara by Kyomuhendo Ateenyi:
     In our village
     Champion smelters I shall hire
     To make my beloved spears
     Of bronze shafts and heads of gold
     Finer than Amahango*!

*Amahango- The royal, beautiful and olden spears of the Chwezi Kings famed for conquest. They are a cherished regalia among the BANYORO peoples.