Croce Reale - USA

Croce Reale

Croce Reale - USa is the US branch of Croce Reale, an international cultural movement that tries to uphold the old traditions of Church, Monarch and Nobility.  We seek to explain the role monarchy has played in history and as a unifying symbol to the countries they head or headed.

With Honorary Presidents from the House of Hapsburg and the House of Savoy, Croce Reale represents many Royal Houses in Europe, Africa, Asia and even North America. We strive to bring to honor to these Royal Houses while also supporting the Church in its activities.  

When the UAG renders Salutes, it will also be to the Royal Houses of Croce Reale.  We will strive to inform the public of the role monarchy played in the 1860s, both the good and bad.  Some members will be portraying foreign observers and bringing to light an often-forgotten part of the Civil War.  Monarchy did play a part in the American Civil War, be it British troops in Canada as a threat on the northern border or the presence of French, British, Spanish, Austrian, Belgian and Egyptian troops in Mexico on the southern border.  All of these troops were from monarchies and were a concern throughout the Civil War.  In fact, other than Central and South America as well as Switzerland, every other country the USA and the CSA dealt with was a monarchy.  

So have a look at the Croce Reale International site and learn more:  (Please note the site is in Italian but you can set your browser to translate the page)



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